All We Have Tote | Benefitting Pikes Peak Free Pantry
Mutual aid is solidarity, not charity .
The Pikes Peak Little Free Pantry provides food and personal items available 24/7, no questions asked in Colorado Springs. Their motto is the epitome of mutual aid — give what you can, take what you need. After having the honor to be part of this mutual aid community for their first year, we wanted to find a way to sustainably support it going forward.
A collaboration of love with our friends, we designed these totes & tea towels, printed courtesy of Creative Consortium, on goods provided and stocked for purchase by Ladyfingers Letterpress, to benefit the Pikes Peak Pantry. With every purchase of a gold tote or tea towel, you will be showing your support for mutual aid in our community and tangibly supporting the Pantry with 100% of proceeds from your purchase.
Extra bonus: since everyone needs a hand(bag), we wanted neighbors picking up goods to have their own tote, so proceeds will also help us continue to provide the grey-printed totes exclusively to neighbors for free.
All we have is each other — and that’s a lot.
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE at Ladyfingers Letterpress
> Buy Totes | > Buy Tea Towels
Totes: 16" x 19", gold only, locally screen printed on a durable and heavy canvas tote bag
Tea Towels: 100% cotton towel, locally screen printed
Mutual aid is solidarity, not charity .
The Pikes Peak Little Free Pantry provides food and personal items available 24/7, no questions asked in Colorado Springs. Their motto is the epitome of mutual aid — give what you can, take what you need. After having the honor to be part of this mutual aid community for their first year, we wanted to find a way to sustainably support it going forward.
A collaboration of love with our friends, we designed these totes & tea towels, printed courtesy of Creative Consortium, on goods provided and stocked for purchase by Ladyfingers Letterpress, to benefit the Pikes Peak Pantry. With every purchase of a gold tote or tea towel, you will be showing your support for mutual aid in our community and tangibly supporting the Pantry with 100% of proceeds from your purchase.
Extra bonus: since everyone needs a hand(bag), we wanted neighbors picking up goods to have their own tote, so proceeds will also help us continue to provide the grey-printed totes exclusively to neighbors for free.
All we have is each other — and that’s a lot.
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE at Ladyfingers Letterpress
> Buy Totes | > Buy Tea Towels
Totes: 16" x 19", gold only, locally screen printed on a durable and heavy canvas tote bag
Tea Towels: 100% cotton towel, locally screen printed
Mutual aid is solidarity, not charity .
The Pikes Peak Little Free Pantry provides food and personal items available 24/7, no questions asked in Colorado Springs. Their motto is the epitome of mutual aid — give what you can, take what you need. After having the honor to be part of this mutual aid community for their first year, we wanted to find a way to sustainably support it going forward.
A collaboration of love with our friends, we designed these totes & tea towels, printed courtesy of Creative Consortium, on goods provided and stocked for purchase by Ladyfingers Letterpress, to benefit the Pikes Peak Pantry. With every purchase of a gold tote or tea towel, you will be showing your support for mutual aid in our community and tangibly supporting the Pantry with 100% of proceeds from your purchase.
Extra bonus: since everyone needs a hand(bag), we wanted neighbors picking up goods to have their own tote, so proceeds will also help us continue to provide the grey-printed totes exclusively to neighbors for free.
All we have is each other — and that’s a lot.
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE at Ladyfingers Letterpress
> Buy Totes | > Buy Tea Towels
Totes: 16" x 19", gold only, locally screen printed on a durable and heavy canvas tote bag
Tea Towels: 100% cotton towel, locally screen printed